
Increasing community engagement for a knowledge-based society

How can deliberative democracy practices be used by universities to improve collaboration between universities and their local communities? TENACITY was an EU Erasmus+ project that designed and tested a set of tools and strategies to engage the academic community, local citizens and decision makers in developing deliberations through a structured and inclusive approach. VA (Public & Science) was one of 9 European partners in this two-year project that ran 2021- 2023.

Photo from a student parliament run in collaboration with VA member Thorildsplans Upper Secondary School in Stockholm 2014. Photo: Gustaf Waesterberg

The overall objective of TENACITY was to involve universities and other partner organisations in an international partnership to design and develop a set of models and digital tools to strengthen public engagement and increase the relevance of the Academic Third Mission in the knowledge-based society.

Main project outputs that were developed:

In addition, international training activities, national events, and communication and dissemination activities were undertaken.

TENACITY partner organisations:

More information

Follow on Facebook: @TenacityProjectErasmus and LinkedIn: @Tenacityproject
Read more on the project website and in this project flyer (PDF).

TENACITY was funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus programme. The project ran from December 2021 until December 2023.

Read the latest news:

Ny handbok för samverkan mellan lärosäten och det omgivande samhället

”Academic Civic Commitment through Public Engagement in the Third Mission” är en handbok för att utveckla lärosätens samverkan med det omgivande samhället. Handboken har tagits fram inom ramen för EU-projektet… Läs mer


2024-03-12 |


2024-03-27 |


Nyheter, Samverkanspåverkan, Tenacity

Handbook for academic civic engagement in universities

“Academic Civic Commitment through Public Engagement in the Third Mission” is a new handbook that has been developed by the Erasmus+ Tenacity project. It is published in English along with… Läs mer


2024-02-22 |


2024-02-23 |


News articles, Tenacity

​​My Future City: Young people’s perspectives on sustainable urban development

Our cities are undergoing rapid transformations, but how can we plan future cities in light of climate change and growing populations? Although the public is regularly consulted, research shows that… Läs mer


2023-11-13 |


2023-11-15 |


EU-projekt, News articles, Public Engagement, Tenacity

Min framtida stad: ungdomars perspektiv på hållbar stadsutveckling

Våra städer förändras snabbt, men hur ska framtidens stad se ut för att klara klimatförändringar och en växande befolkning? Allmänheten involveras regelbundet för att tycka till, men forskning visar att… Läs mer


2023-11-13 |


2024-07-08 |


EU-projekt, Nyheter, Referat, Tenacity

Meet the Team – Tenacity Partner VA

Meet Maria Hagardt International Relations & Communication Manager and Helen Garrison, Project & Communications Manager, who work for VA (Public & Science) and manage the Tenacity project. (mer …) Läs mer


2023-05-08 |


2023-05-09 |


EU-projekt, News articles, Nyheter, Tenacity
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Public & Science Sweden

Areas of interest


Maria Hagardt

[email protected]

Helen Garrison

[email protected]