Here you can find our Reports and Papers (in English):
GÄSTKRÖNIKA: Discovering the broader role of researchers in society

As my internship comes to an end, I found myself reflecting on the new perspectives I have gained, particularly about the broader role of researchers in society. (mer …) Läs mer
Blog Posts in English, Forum for Scicomm, Praktikant, Researchers' Grand Prix, The PublicThe Plastic Experiment 2022/23 – Final Report

This report is an English summary of the VA-Report (in Swedish) called Plastexperimentet – slutrapport 2022-2023. The Plastic Experiment was a Citizen Science project and a collaboration between the Keep… Läs mer
Citizen Science, European Researchers' Night, Mass experiment, Reports & PapersHandbook of Youth Citizen Social Science

Working with Young People and the Local Community for Social Change. This handbook build on the experiences from the YouCount project and represents a unique contribution to the field of… Läs mer
EU-projekt, Övriga publikationer, Public Engagement, Reports & Papers, YoucountVA Information Folder 2024 in English

Information about VA (Public & Science) and its members. (mer …) Läs mer
VA Barometer 2023/2024 in English

These are some of the results of the 2023/24 VA Barometer. (mer …) Läs mer