Public & Science Sweden is an independent Swedish membership organisation that works to advance and encourage dialogue between researchers and the public.
Press contact: Lotta Waesterberg Tomasson, Communications Strategist
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Press Releases:
Swedish citizen science project explores what school graffiti can teach us about democracy

School walls are covered with signs, posters, and artwork, but who are these messages aimed at, who created them, and how do they reflect school democratic values? This autumn, researchers… Läs mer
Findings from Sweden’s largest plastic waste experiment now available

The Plastic Experiment is a nationwide Citizen Science project in which Keep Sweden Tidy Foundation, Public & Science Sweden and the University of Gothenburg have been working together to investigate… Läs mer
European Researchers' Night, Mass experiment, News articles, Press Releases, Public EngagementCancer researcher named Sweden’s best science communicator 2023

Sofie Mohlin, a cancer researcher at Lund University, has won the 2023 Researchers’ Grand Prix. She earned the title of Sweden’s best science communicator at the final held on 23… Läs mer
Swedes’ confidence in research at a record high

Swedes’ confidence in research is at a record high, and the majority believe that politicians used too few scientific facts during the Swedish election campaign. These are some of the… Läs mer