International projects


We are involved in many international projects and participates in studies, events and conferences. Public & Science Sweden also carries out international comparisons of attitudes towards research in different countries. Find out more about these projects.

Public & Science is involved in a number of ongoing EU projects financed primarily by the research and innovation programmes Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. We currently collaborate with close to 100 partners in 30 countries. Ongoing and completed projects are listed below.

In these projects we are working within the following areas of expertise: Public engagement, Science communication, Open Science, Citizen Science, Responsible research and innovation. Read more about the experience and expertise that we can bring to partnerships and projects.

Ongoing EU projects

  • COALESCE (2024-2027) – European Competence Centre for Science Communication
  • ForskarFredag – Coordinator of European Researchers’ Night in Sweden
  • Genderactionplus (2022-2025) The project is seeking to advance gender equality in the European Research Area through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination. Partner in the Horizon Europe project.
  • Inspiring ERA (2023-2026) supports and promotes the successful implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda.
  • LOESS  (2023-2026) focuses on increasing soil literacy, via developing educational offers and continuous training programmes as well as skills development activities addressing multiple actors, stakeholders and target groups connected to soil education. Partner in the Horizon Europe project.
  • Re:Fish (2023-2026) –Fishing for plastic pollution and discarded fishing gear for a healthier Baltic Sea
  • Re-Mend (2023-2027) the project aims to generate new knowledge on the prevention of mental illness. Partner in the Horizon Europe project.
  • Rock Your Research (2024-2027) – Art-science and Public engagement

Completed EU projects

Latest about our international projects

New MOOC on Soil Education – An integrated STEM approach for teachers

The EU LOESS project is excited to announce the launch of the new MOOC, developed by the partners and supported by #Scientix, titled ”Soil Education: An Integrated STEM Approach.” The… Läs mer


2025-02-03 |


2025-02-03 |


EU-projekt, Jordhälsa, LOESS, News articles, Nyheter

Panelsamtal om hållbar markanvändning och perenna jordbruksrevolutioner

Hur ser den politiska ekonomin kring markanvändning ut? Vilka intressen står mot varandra och vad krävs för att skydda våra värdefulla jordar? Dessa frågor stod i centrum under ett livesänt… Läs mer


2025-01-24 |


2025-01-29 |


EU-projekt, Jordhälsa, Nyheter, Referat

INSPIRING ERA supports EU-wide dialogue on research assessment and research careers

Public & Science Sweden recently hosted two online events as part of the EU INSPIRING ERA project to support the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda. Around 300 people from… Läs mer


2024-12-13 |


2025-01-29 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, Inspiring ERA, Nyheter

Digging deeper: soil as a carbon sink debated in Lund

What is soil, and how capable is it of storing carbon? These questions were at the heart of a panel discussion and workshop held at Lund University in Sweden on… Läs mer


2024-12-05 |


2025-01-29 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, LOESS

”Ett hemligt universum” – vad finns under våra fötter?

Visste du att en matsked jord innehåller fler levande organismer än det finns människor på jorden? Men vad är egentligen jord? Under våra fötter ryms ett livligt universum som kryllar… Läs mer


2024-12-04 |


2025-01-29 |


EU-projekt, Jordhälsa, Nyheter
Läs alla inlägg

Public & Science Sweden

Areas of interest


Vetenskap & Allmänhet

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