Much of Public & Science Sweden’s work is carried out in project form, including public engagement activities, studies as well as advocacy work.
Public engagement projects:
Public engagement projects involve organising events which stimulate dialogue between researchers and the public in new ways and in novel arenas.
- Anthology on energy – a book co-created with KTH.
- COALESCE – European Competence Centre for Science Communication
- Citizair – developing a new visualisation tool for air pollution.
- European Researchers’ Night – the annual European science festival. VA is the national coordinator in Sweden.
- Borrow a Researcher – Get an insight into researchers’ everyday life.
- Researchers’ Grand Prix – a science communication competition for researchers
- Mass experiments – engaging school pupils in real research through Citizen Science
- LOESS – An EU project developing educational materials on soil health
- Re-MEND – An EU project generating new knowledge about the prevention of mental illness.
- Researcher dialogues
- Science Cafés – a way to discuss science in a relaxed and informal setting.
- Resource centre for courses in science communication – Network for science communication course facilitators
- Rock Your Research – Art-science and Public Engagement
Public & Science Sweden carries out studies and surveys to increase knowledge about the relationships between science and society at large as well as more specific studies into societal groups such as journalists, teachers and the business community:
- The public
- VA’s annual Barometer investigates how the Swedish public views science and researchers.
- Communication about Corona investigates media reporting and public trust during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
- Teachers
- School meets Science was a three-year project investigating how schools view research and their contact with researchers.
- Media
- Research for all – proposal for a Swedish platform for science communication a study for the Swedish Research Council that provided suggestions on how a national platform for research news and science communication might be realised in 2022.
- Communication about Corona investigates media reporting and public trust during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.
- 2014 study analysing media coverage of research misconduct and public confidence in research.
Advocacy and development work:
Public & Science Sweden undertakes advocacy and development work. We seek to inform and influence research policy at both a national and international level.
- European Citizen Science Ambassadors – A European network of 28 Citizen Science Ambassadors to support the activities in the European Citizen Science (ECS)-project.
- Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden – an international network connecting Nordic-Baltic science engagement practitioners with the world.
- Forum for Science Communication – The Swedish annual conference of Science Communicators.
- GENDERACTIONplus – gender equality – Advancing gender equality in the European research area.
- Inspiring ERA – Supporting the implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda
Past projects include:
- 2WAYS – an EU project to test new forms of disseminating knowledge about life science research
- ARCS – Building a Swedish national portal for citizen science
- AllThings.bioPRO – bioeconomy serious game
- Bloom – An EU project about raising public awareness and interest in the bioeconomy.
- ComScience – an EU project to test new forms of dialogue and communication about public health research
- EU-Citizen.Science – Developing a European platform for citizen science
- European Student Parliaments on Science – a European project involving pupils working closely with scientists. VA ran the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.
- Finding The Vasa Cannons
- March for Science Sweden – #Howdoyouknowthat campaign
- Media seminars for scientists
- The News Evaluator – Source criticism in digital media
- ORION Open Science – An EU project about embedding Open Science and RRI in research organisations.
- TechEthos – An EU project exploring the ethical challenges and societal consequences of new and emerging technologies.
- YouCount – An EU project about developing new ways to increase the social inclusion of young people.
- Tenacity – An EU project to increase academic civic engagement
- Pratavaccin (Let’s talk vaccines) – portal to help counter myths against Covid vaccination
- Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI – VA works to promote RRI in Sweden and was a partner in the EU RRI Tools project helping to develop the RRI Toolkit for responsible research and innovation.
- Rethink – an EU project ’rethinking’ science communication
- Science communication toolbox – A toolbox that aimed to provide inspiration and ideas for a variety of activities to communicate research. The starting point was activities organised during the annual European Researchers Night in Sweden ForskarFredag.
- SciShops – An EU project to develop new Science Shops
- Smedpack – A collaborative project to develop an improved supply chain for medicines.
- Super MoRRI – An EU project aiming to develop and improve methods for measuring activities within RRI (responsible research and innovation).
- Swedish advocacy platform Horizon 2020 – Science with and for Society. Public & Science was the coordinator of a national collaboration platform for Science with and for Society activity in Sweden.
- Tea tales – a tool to assess soil health.
- What is science? – an animated film project.