In the EU-Citizen.Science project, VA helped to develop a European platform for citizen science, together with 13 other European organisations. Partners included universities, civil society organisations and museums. Funded by the EU, the project was coordinated by the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin.
Citizen science is, in brief, about members of the public and researchers working together to develop new scientific knowledge. Often citizen science projects are initiated by researchers who want to engage the public in collecting data (e.g. water samples), but the concept also includes initiatives by citizens or civil society organisations interested in exploring a certain issue with scientific methods.
The EU-Citizen.Science project developed a European platform for citizen science. The final version was launched in October 2021 and is designed to make it easier for researchers to use citizen science in their own research, for citizens to find projects to participate in, for policy makers (e.g. in business or local government) to find results for better policies, and for teachers to use citizen science in their teaching practice.
Content includes:
- Examples of projects that are engaging the public in research in citizen science activities
- Training resources about the practice of citizen science
- Resources for planning and running citizen science projects
- Organisations involved in citizen science projects and research
Project partners:
- MFN: Museum für Naturkunde (project coordinator)
- ECSA: European Citizen Science Association
- IIASA: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- Earthwatch Institute
- ZSI: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
- UCL: University College London
- ECSITE: The European network of science centres and museums
- TCD: Trinity College Dublin
- VA: Vetenskap & Allmänhet
- NHM: Natural History Museum
- ULEI: Leiden University
- MRU: Mykolas Romeris University
- MFCR: Município de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo
- MINECO: Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad
More information:
Access the platform.
See also ARCS – Arenas for Cooperation through Citizen Science – a portal for Swedish citizen science.
Read more about the project
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