Public engagement projects involve organising events and co-creation workshops which stimulate dialogue between researchers and the public in new ways and in novel arenas.
- COALESCE – European Competence Centre for Science Communication
- European Researchers’ Night – the annual European science festival. Public & Science Sweden is the Swedish national co-ordinator.
- Researchers’ Grand Prix – a science communication competition for researchers
- Mass experiments – engaging school pupils in real research through Citizen Science
- Borrow a researcher – Get an insight into researchers’ everyday life
- LOESS – developing educational materials on soil health
- Re:Fish – Fishing for plastic pollution and discarded fishing gear
- RE-MEND – generating new knowledge to prevent mental illness
- Resource centre for courses in science communication – network for science communication course facilitators
- Rock Your Research – Art-science and Public Engagement
- Science Cafés – a way to discuss science in a relaxed and informal setting
- Tea tales – a tool to assess soil health
Past projects:
- 2WAYS – an EU project to test new forms of disseminating knowledge about life science research
- AllThings.bioPRO – bioeconomy serious game
- Anthology on Energy – a book co-created with KTH
- Bloom – An EU project about raising public awareness and interest in the bioeconomy
- CitizAir – visualise air pollution data
- ComScience – an EU project to test new forms of dialogue and communication about public health research
- European Student Parliaments on Science – a European project involving pupils working closely with scientists. VA ran the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.
- Finding the Vasa cannons
- Media seminars for scientist
- Rock Your Research – Art-science and Public engagement
- SciShops – how to develop new Science Shops
- TechEthos – ethics within new emerging technologies
- What is science? – an animated film project
Read the latest summaries:
A fruitful lesson in gaining the attention of young students

Researchers’ Grand Prix winner Luís Oliveira answered many interesting questions as he visited Järva Gymnasium. Nils Simon, intern at Public & Science Sweden (Vetenskap & Allmänhet), accompanied the stem cell… Läs mer
New MOOC on Soil Education – An integrated STEM approach for teachers

The EU LOESS project is excited to announce the launch of the new MOOC, developed by the partners and supported by #Scientix, titled ”Soil Education: An Integrated STEM Approach.” The… Läs mer
EU-projekt, Jordhälsa, LOESS, News articles, NyheterDigging deeper: soil as a carbon sink debated in Lund

What is soil, and how capable is it of storing carbon? These questions were at the heart of a panel discussion and workshop held at Lund University in Sweden on… Läs mer
“A Secret Universe”- film highlights the wonders of soil

What is soil, really? The stuff beneath our feet, often overlooked, is a bustling universe teeming with life—arthropods, fungi, bacteria, and other microscopic organisms. Did you know that one tablespoon… Läs mer