Advancing gender equality in the European Research Area

GENDERACTIONplus is an EU Horizon Europe project seeking to advance gender equality in the European Research Area, ERA, through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination, as well as the provision of strategic policy advice. VA (Public & Science) is one of 26 partners, whose specific role is to manage citizen and stakeholder engagement within the project. The three-year project runs from June 2022 – June 2025.

The overall goal of GENDERACTIONplus is to support Gender Equality policy coordination and integration in the European Research Area (ERA) through a coordination network of representatives of national authorities and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) responsible for Gender Equality in Research and Innovation.

This will be achieved through a fourfold strategy:

  1. Build Policy and Research Funding Organisation (RFO) Communities of Practice (CoPs) as infrastructures for sustainability, through advancing knowledge, mutual learning and exchange.
  2. Increase robustness and buy-in of ERA policy solutions on gender equality, by engaging a broad range of ERA stakeholders as well as civil society organisations (CSO) and citizens.
  3. Reduce existing geographic inequalities in gender equality that exist in the EU by developing dedicated actions aimed at the less experienced / less engaged countries, through capacity building and the demand-driven actions of the European Gender Equality Taskforce.
  4. Increase awareness and uptake of gender equality policy solutions in the ERA, through dissemination, communication and exploitation, including National Impact Plans and and an EU impact plan.

The five thematic areas that the project will address are:

  1. Intersectionality and inclusiveness 
  2. Gender-based violence in R&I
  3. The gender dimension in R&I
  4. The monitoring of gender equality actions at the EU member state level in the ERA, including the development of a monitoring mechanism and indicators
  5. The development of a system for monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of gender equality plans (GEPs) as the main instrument to promote inclusive institutional changes in the new ERA.

VA is responsible for managing citizen and stakeholder engagement across the project. Engagement activities will be shaped around each thematic area and appropriate target groups at both EU and national levels in order to inform the development of policy advice and increase awareness of gender equality issues. VA will also support partner capacity building and mutual learning.

Two other Swedish partners participating in the project are the innovation agency, Vinnova, which is leading the Community of Practice for Research Funding Organisations, and the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg, which is leading the work on gender-based violence and sexual harassment. 

The GENDERACTIONplus project builds on the Horizon 2020 project GENDERACTION implemented from 2017 to 2021, the work of the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI) and the work of the FORGEN Community of Practice of RFOs developed in the ACT project implemented 2018 to 2021.

Project Partners:

In addition, the project has 14 Associated Partners.


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Read more at the project webpage

GENDERACTIONplus project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101058093.

Read the latest about the project:

EU GENDERACTIONplus hosts stakeholder consultation on inclusive gender analysis in research and innovation

On 1 October, the EU GENDERACTIONplus project hosted a stakeholder engagement event to gather global perspectives on the topic of inclusive gender analysis in research and innovation. Representatives from 13… Läs mer


2024-11-18 |


2025-01-29 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, GENDERACTION, GenderactionPLUS, Nyheter, Referat

GENDERACTIONplus stakeholder consultation promotes policy dialogue on inclusive research careers

Inclusive research careers were the focal point of a GENDERACTIONplus stakeholder engagement event held on Monday 30 September. Thirty-five representatives from European and national organisations within the R&I eco-system actively… Läs mer


2024-10-28 |


2025-01-29 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, GENDERACTION, GenderactionPLUS, Nyheter, Referat

ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference deliberates future priorities

In celebration of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, the ERA of Inclusive Gender Equality conference was hosted at BOSA, Brussels on 13 February 2024. The conference… Läs mer


2024-03-08 |


2024-03-27 |


Activity summaries, GenderactionPLUS
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Public & Science Sweden

Areas of interest


Helen Garrison

[email protected]

Maria Hagardt

[email protected]