Member organisations

Both organisations and individuals are welcome to join VA as members. Please see the membership page for details on how to join Public & Science Sweden.

See a current list of organisation members below and to the right ->

Member Organisations

ABF – the Workers’ Educational Association
AFA Insurance
Animal Welfare Sweden (Djurskyddet Sverige)
Association of Swedish Engineering Industries
Association of Swedish Science Centres
Bladins school
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Chalmers University of Technology
Dalarna University
European Spallation Source (ESS)
FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Folkuniversitetet – adult education association
Fri Tanke
Halmstad University
Ifous – innovation, research and development in schools and pre-schools
IKEM - Innovation and Chemical Industries in Sweden
Institute for Futures Studies
IYPT Sweden
Jönköping University
Karlstad University
Karolinska Institutet
Keep Sweden Tidy
The Knowledge Foundation
LIF - the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden
Linköping University
Linnaeus University
LSU - National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations
Luleå University of Technology
Lund University
Malmö University
Mid Sweden University
Mistra - The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research 
Mälardalen University
Natio­nal Libra­ry of Sweden
National Veterinary Institute, SVA
Natur & Kultur
Naturbruksskolornas Förening
Nobel Museum
Norrtälje Naturcentrum
The Research Network Skåne
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Royal Institute of Technology
Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Runö folk high school
ShareMusic & Performing Arts
SIQ, Swedish Institute for Quality
SLU – the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
SMHI, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Stockholm University
The Swedish Adult Education Association
Swedish Agency for Accessible Media
The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers
The Swedish Association of Scientists
Swedish Association of University Teachers
Swedish Astronomical Youth Association
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Swedish Council for Higher Education
Swedish Federation of Young Scientists
The Swedish Food Federation
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments
Swedish Higher Education Authority
The Swedish Institute for Educational Research
The Swedish National Heritage Board
The Swedish National Maritime and Transport Museums
The Swedish National Union of Students
Swedish Museum of Natural History
The Swedish National Council of Adult Education
The Swedish National Defence College
The Swedish National Space Board
The Swedish Research Council
Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
The Swedish Research Council Formas
The Swedish Skeptics Association (Vetenskap och Folkbildning)
The Swedish Society of Parliamentarians & Scientists
Södertörn University
Södertörn University Student Union
Tekniska - National Museum of Science and Technology
Thorildsplans Gymnasium
Tom Tits Experiment
Umeå University
University of Borås
University of Gothenburg
University of Skövde
University West
Uppsala University
Vinnova, Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems
ViS – Science in schools
Wikimedia Sweden
The Young Academy of Sweden
Ängelholms gymnasieskola
Örebro University


Vetenskap & Allmänhet

[email protected]

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