YouCount – Boosting Young People’s Participation in Society

Citizen Social Science

YouCount sought to develop new ways to increase social inclusion of young people. Nine countries participated in this three-year, EU-funded project, which was coordinated by OsloMet, Oslo Metropolitan University. VA (Public & Science), Södertörn University and Botkyrka Youth Council collaborated on the Swedish part of the project, which ran 2021 – 2023.

VA, Södertörn University and Botkyrka Youth Council will investigate how more young people can get involved in the youth council. Photo: Botkyrka Youth Council

In YouCount, young people and researchers are working together to explore and find solutions to problems preventing the younger generation from being included in society. The collaborative approach of the project is Citizen Science and called Citizen Social Science (CSS). 

During 2021–2023, participants will focus on different challenges for inclusion in their respective countries. This includes, for example, a lack of employment opportunities for young people, experiences of exclusion, conflicts between migrants and locals, and factors preventing youth from engaging in civil society organisations. 

Together VA, Södertörn University and Botkyrka Youth Council will investigate how more young people can get involved in the youth council. The goal is to co-create solutions to navigate past identified obstacles, and to see whether these solutions could be applicable in a broader national and international context.  

Further info:

Follow the project on Twitter: @youcountproject and Facebook: @Youcountproject

Read more at the project webpage.

YouCount is funded by Horizon 2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation.

Read the latest about the project

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Public & Science Sweden

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David Borgström

Tel 070 740 18 56

[email protected]