Public & Science Sweden also undertakes advocacy and development work, engaging in public debate and in dialogue with decision-makers. We seek to inform and influence research policy at both a national and international level.
- European Citizen Science ambassadors – A European network of 28 Citizen Science Ambassadors to support the activities in the European Citizen Science (ECS)-project.
- Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden – an international network connecting Nordic-Baltic science engagement practitioners with the world.
- Forum for science communication – annual conference aimed at science communicators
- GENDERACTIONplus – gender equality – Advancing gender equality in the European research area.
- Inspiring ERA – Supporting the implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) Policy Agenda.
- Super MoRRI – An EU project aiming to develop and improve methods for measuring activities within RRI (responsible research and innovation).
Past projects include:
- ARCS – Building a Swedish national portal for citizen science.
- BLOOM – An EU project about raising public awareness and interest in the bioeconomy.
- EU-Citizen.Science – Developing a European platform for citizen science.
- March for Science Sweden – #Howdoyouknowthat campaign
- The News Evaluator – Source criticism in digital media
- ORION Open Science – An EU project about embedding Open Science and RRI in research organisations.
- Pratavaccin – portal to counter myths against covid vaccination.
- Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI – VA works to promote RRI in Sweden and was a partner.
- Rethink – an EU project ’rethinking’ science communication.
- SciShops – An EU project to develop new Science Shops.
- Smedpack – A collaborative project to develop an improved supply chain for medicines.
- Swedish advocacy platform Horizon 2020 – Science with and for Society. VA was the coordinator of a national collaboration platform for Science with and for Society activity in Sweden.
- Tenacity – An EU project to increase academic civic engagement.
- YouCount – An EU project about developing new ways to increase social inclusion of young people.
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