Create more opportunities for dialogue between science and and the rest of society, for example through citizen consultations. Pay particular attention to audiences that are rarely involved in science communication activities. Work actively to involve all types of actors in Horizon2020, in particular civil society organisations. Create more research opportunities within the humanities and social sciences.

These are some of the recommendations put forward by VA in response to the European Commission’s consultation on the next work programme of the Horizon 2020 subprogramme Science with and for Society (SwafS). The next work programme covers the period 2016-2017.
The National advocacy platform for increased Swedish participation in SwafS has also submitted a similar response.
Read VA’s response here
Further information about the consultation
If you would like to receive information about forthcoming consultations, register your interest on the Your Voice In Europe website
Any questions, please contact VA’s Director of Research, Maria Lindholm Tel: +46 (0)8-791 30 54 Email: [email protected]