VA Barometer 2023/2024 in English



Senast uppdaterad:


These are some of the results of the 2023/24 VA Barometer.

  • More cautious outlook on the future of AI
  • Age influences how Swedes consume research news
  • Growing interest in social science research
  • Confidence in researchers remain high

The VA Barometer 2023/2024 is based on 1,017 telephone interviews with a representative sample of the Swedish population aged 16–74. It is the 22nd Barometer survey since VA (Public & Science) was founded in 2002.

Download the interview questionnaire.

VA Report 2023:4

Authors: Gustav Bohlin, Erik Falk and Lina Rådmark, all at VA

Published: February 2024

Number of Pages: 32

Public & Science Sweden

Areas of interest


Vetenskap & Allmänhet

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