The four mission themes bio-based food packaging, sustainable fashion and textiles, bio-based products for kids and schools and jobs and careers in the bioeconomy, are the focus of the Allthings.bioPRO project and are currently being explored through a co-creation process that involves citizens.

But each theme carries its own challenges, curiosities and ramifications. Curious to know more about them? AllThings.bioPRO just released four factsheets that go in-depth into each of them, allowing you to explore each topic. A general overview of the current state of bioeconomy is also provided.
The factsheets have been produced in English, but translations are available in the following languages:
• The Bioeconomy – a brief introduction | Dutch, Estonian, German, Italian, Swedish
• Jobs and Careers in the bioeconomy | German, Italian
• Sustainable fashion | Dutch, German, Swedish
• Food Packaging | Dutch, German
• Kids & Schools | Estonian, German
Visit and browse them online, or download them for a long hard look!
If you’re especially interested in one or more themes, you can also join the co-creation process to build a serious game and mobile application: our regional partners are hard at work with the local communities and are looking forward to learning their expectations and concerns.
For more information about the project in Sweden, please contact Lotta W Tomasson or Maria Hagardt at VA.