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First issue of VA’s international newsletter now live



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A mass experiment where 10,000 pupils assist Swedish scientists with climate research, a new EU project on responsible research and innovation, and an interview with VA’s secretary general – those were some of the items in the premiere issue of VA’s international newsletter. The electronic newsletter was recently distributed to recipients around the world.


– With VA having more and more international contacts, and with our increased involvement in international collaborations, it felt natural to add an international newsletter to our list of publications, says Cissi Billgren Askwall, VA’s Secretery General.

The international newsletter contains information about VA’s activities and studies relating to the interface between science and society and will be issued twice a year.

VA’s first Swedish newsletter was published in 2005. It is an important channel for communicating VA’s activities to interested parties and is distributed every two months to subscribers.

VA’s first international newsletter
Subscribe to the international newsletter
Subscribe to the Swedish newsletter

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