ORION Open Science

Exploring ways to open up life sciences

ORION Open Science was an EU-funded Horizon 2020 project exploring ways in which research and funding organisations in life sciences and biomedicine can open up the way they fund, organise and do research. VA (Public & Science) was one of the nine partners in the project that ran from May 2017 to September 2021.

The EU ORION Open Science project involved a wide range of benchmarking, co-creation and training activities designed to test different ways to involve the public and other stakeholders in the research process. The long-term vision was to embed Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles in Research and performing organisations, in their policies, practices and processes.

ORION Resources

On the ORION website you can find a range of tools and resources to support open science and RRI practices, which have been developed and tested during the project. These include:

  • ORION Inspiring Stories – containing 12 stories that highlight successes and learnings from activities conducted during the project

Tools for Co-creation and engagement

  • Menu of Co-creation Tools – an overview of 31 participatory methods that can be used to involve different stakeholders in the research process.
  • Public dialogues – how to guide on how to run a public dialogue as a tool for promoting open science plus detailed reports on the results of public dialogues on genome editing run in four countries (Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany and the UK).
  • Innovative examples of citizen science and educational games – such as the ORION Genigma game and ORION Virus Fighter game, SMOVE and Meltic (Ideas MELting pot for TIC and Health Science for Citizens in Small communities).
  • An arts residency and exhibition designed to promote discussion around the use of genome editing.

Public attitudes to life sciences research in six European countries – results of an ORION survey investigating the motivations for citizens’ involvement in life sciences research.

Training resources

  • ORION Open Science podcast – a series of interviews with interesting guests on a variety of topics related to Open Science, such as data sharing, citizen science, peer review and professional development.
  • ORION Open Source MOOC for the life sciences –  free online training course on different aspects of Open Science that allows researchers to gain a certificate in Open Science.
  • ORION Case Studies for Training – three case studies for use in short workshops to stimulate discussion about open science principles and practical actions. 
  • ORION E-learning platform – four lessons on different aspects of Open Science available in English and Czech
  • Open Science Researcher Checklist – for researchers to assess where they can make changes to open science practices in their day-to-day research.

ORION Open Science Factsheets 15 brief, informative, and easy-to-understand one-page factsheets on Open Science topics: 1. Biohacking and DIYBio Research 2. Career Benefits of Open Science 3. Citizen science. 4. Commercialisation of Research 5. Communicating Animal Research 6. Crowd Science 7. Research Data Management 8. Open Access 9. Open Research Data 10. Open Source and Software 1 Pre-Registration 12. Predatory Journals 13. Preprints 14. Public Engagement 15. Reproducibility.

Funding and embedding Open Science

VA’s role

VA has been involved in many aspects of the project, including running co-creation experiments, such as the public dialogue held in Sweden, and undertaking a survey to investigate public attitudes to life science research involving 6,000 people from six countries. VA led the Communications & Dissemination work for the project plus organised a range of international workshops and events, including the ORION final conference.

Project consortium:

ORION is also on Twitter: @orion_opensci, on Facebook and you can read more about the project on the ORION website.

Read more about the project:

New paper: How to achieve impactful stakeholder engagement

A reality TV experiment, augmented reality app, smartphone game and citizen deliberation forum. These are just a few of the stakeholder engagement initiatives highlighted in a new paper on ”Involving… Läs mer


2021-11-22 |


2023-08-10 |


EU-projekt, News articles, Nyheter, Orion Open Science

Engage the public in science through dialogue and co-creation – top tips and tricks

Global societal challenges together with growing public interest in science present both opportunities and challenges for the research world. Open Science is a way to ensure that citizens are involved… Läs mer


2021-07-09 |


2023-08-10 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, News articles, Nyheter, Orion Open Science, Referat

Coffee, cake and Open Science – ORION Open Science cafe at Berlin Science Week

If you had not heard of Open Science and wondered what it was, or wished there was an Open Science topic you knew more about, then the ORION Open Science… Läs mer


2020-11-23 |


2023-08-10 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, News articles, Orion Open Science

Joining forces for a global 21st century Responsible Research and Innovation Network

The RRING network, the NewHoRRIzon and the ORION Open Science project held an online roundtable on 3 September, as part of the Euroscience Open Forum 2020, on ”Joining forces for a global 21st century… Läs mer


2020-10-26 |


2023-08-10 |


Activity summaries, EU-projekt, News articles, Nyheter, Orion Open Science, RRI Tools
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Public & Science Sweden

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Vetenskap & Allmänhet

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