
Join our Network!

A membership in Vetenskap & Allmänhet gives you or your organisation access to a network of actors who are committed to promoting confidence in, and access to knowledge, skills development, education and science. We warmly invite you to become a member of Public & Science Sweden!

Networking at one of our events. Photo: Erik Cronberg

A membership will provide your organisation with:

  1. Knowledge and advance information about VA’s studies, as well advice on designing activities and studies.
  2. Access to a wide network of members.
  3. Influence on the activities and studies carried out, the issues that VA focuses on and its future development.
  4. Goodwill through a clear commitment to society.  Membership of VA signals that you consider access to, and confidence in knowledge, skills development, education and research as strategic issues.

Benefits of membership

  • Member’s newsletter eight times per year (in Swedish). An international newsletter is published in English four times a year.
  • Invitations to all of our activities, networking events as well as special activities for members.
  • Visibility in our network and materials.
  • Advice on designing your own activities and studies.
  • Tailored presentations and conference participation.
  • Opportunity to influence the way Vetenskp & Allmänhet works and its strategic direction.
  • The possibility of more extensive collaborations (at cost)

For organisational membership fees, please contact [email protected]

Individual membership

Individuals can also become members of Vetenskap & Allmänhet. The individual annual fee is SEK 380.

The membership fee is payable to Vetenskap & Allmänhets Swedish bank giro account 5507-7150. Please state the name of the member, any contact person, mailing address, telephone and e-mail address.

To see a list of current members, view our MEMBER ORGANISATIONS

Public & Science Sweden

Areas of interest


Vetenskap & Allmänhet

[email protected]