VA Report 2006:5
Study into the relationship between politicians and researchers.
Politicians can greatly influence the public’s attitude to science. It matters greatly how politicians view knowledge, science and science’s role in society. An active dialogue between politicians and researchers is essential and the success or otherwise of the interaction between the two groups can have a far-reaching impact. For these reasons, the Swedish organisation Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public and Science) has carried out a three-part study into the relationship between politicians and researchers:
- 595 members of parliament, leading regional politicians and members of Stockholm City Council were interviewed by Synovate Temo in April 2006 (VA-report 2006:2 Politicians’ view of science).
- An analysis was carried out into the science-related material in a selection of publications from parliamentary political parties and their youth organizations aimed specifically at the party membership. The analysis covered the extent of scientific reporting, subjects covered and how the material was presented. (VA-report 2006:3 Science in the Political Press).
- A collection of in-depth essays and interviews was commissioned and published. Nine researchers and nine politicians discuss how they see the relationship between researchers and politicians. (VA-report 2006:4 Kunskapsbiten, 18 röster om relationen forskare – politiker).
It is hoped that these results will stimulate politicians to ask questions about science and also intensify the dialogue between researchers, politicians and the public.
These studies have been carried out with the support of Forskningsrådet Formas, KK-stiftelsen, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Vetenskapsrådet and VINNOVA. Readers are welcome to quote from these studies providing they cite VA as the source.