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What is Open Science to me? Online workshop


29 september 2020, kl. 13:00–15:30
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


Open Science has the potential to change and open up the scientific system to everyone. Communication skills and knowledge about how to involve, engage and collaborate with stakeholders and end-users are key to be able to reach out to other researchers, collaboration partners and the public. To know how to manage communication throughout a project lifecycle is a necessity for future funding applications.

Through group discussions and practical exercises, you will get tips on how to create a data management plan, communicate your research and involve and engage different stakeholders in your project or research.

Some aspects of Open Science are also requirements in the European Commission’s research and innovation program Horizon 2020 and its successor Horizon Europe, as well as in national programmes and calls for proposals. In this workshop we will discuss the basic principles of Open Science and how you can apply them to your work. You will get an overview of the main aspects of Open Science, such as open access, open data, science communication, public engagement and citizen science. Through group discussions and practical exercises, you will get tips on how to create a data management plan, communicate your research and involve and engage different stakeholders in your project or research.


Online workshop via Zoom

(12.45 Get online. Bring your coffee/tea and have a chat with the other participants)

13.00  Welcome and introduction

Maria Hagardt and Lotta W Tomasson, VA Public & Science, Peter Linde, BTH Library and Eva-Lisa Ahnström, Grants Office BTH, Joakim Stoltz, Grants and Innovation Office Linnaeus University and Mattias Rieloff, Linnaeus University Library.

What is Open Science? General introduction and special focus on Open access and Open data.

Maria Hagardt, VA Public & Science, Linda Härdelin, Swedish National Data Service, SND, Ted Gunnarsson, Linnaeus University Library

Science communication – from paper to blog

Lotta W Tomasson, VA Public & Science and Margareta Ahlström, Communications Office, BTH

What is Citizen Science?

Lotta Tomasson, VA Public & Science and Ulrika Isaksson and Erik Resebo, Swedish National, Study on Ageing and Care, SNAC, BTH

Parallel sessions

  • How to create a data management plan
    Linda Härdelin, SND
  • How to run a successful citizen science project
    Lotta W Tomasson, VA Public & Science
  • How to collaborate and engage the public in your research/activities
    Maria Hagardt, VA Public & Science

15.30 Wrap up and closing remarks

The workshop is primarily aimed at those who are working/are active at Blekinge Institute of Technology and Linnaeus University and is led by VA Public & Science in collaboration with the libraries and Grants Offices at both universities.


More information

The workshop is a part of a series of workshops on Open Science (Öppen vetenskap workshops) organised by VA in collaboration with universities. The project is financed by Vinnova. Would you like to organise a workshop at your university? Please get in touch with Maria Hagardt at VA.


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