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Workshop: Open science opportunities in Horizon Europe


15 september 2021, kl. 10:00–12:00
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


Open Science has the potential to change and make research more accessible to everyone. Citizen science and public engagement are important parts of Open Science and Horizon Europe, the new EU framework programme for research and innovation. But how do you engage and collaborate with citizens in your research project? Join this workshop to find out.

Involving society and its citizens in research helps to maximise the impact of new knowledge and improve understanding of the scientific process. But how do you engage and collaborate with citizens in your own work and research projects? What are the drivers, benefits and challenges and how do you ensure that you involve all relevant parties?

In this workshop organised by KTH Research Support Office and VA (Public & Science, you will learn about how to engage different types of stakeholders, what citizen science is and how it can strengthen your project proposals for Horizon Europe and other international and national R&I programmes, such as Digital Europe.



  • What is Open Science? Introduction to Open Science in Horizon Europe
  • European Commission on Open Science and Citizen Science in the context of digital modelling
  • What is citizen science? From Carl von Linnaeus to mass experiments
  • Inspiration from an international project – Become a genome Explorer – Genigma Citizen Science game
  • How to set up a successful citizen science project.

The workshop is held in English online via Zoom. It is free of charge and open for all researchers interested in Citizen Science and Open Science.

More information

For more information about the event, please see the KTH website.

The workshop is a part of a series of workshops on Open Science (Öppen vetenskap workshops) organised by VA in collaboration with national universities. The project is financed by Vinnova.

Would you like to organise an Open Science workshop at your university? Please get in touch with Maria Hagardt at VA.

Kommande arrangemang

Nyheter från Vetenskap & Allmänhet

Vetenskap & Allmänhets projekt


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