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Workshop: Making citizen science – drivers, challenges and benefits


8 december 2020, kl. 10:00–12:00
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


Open Science has the potential to change and open up the scientific system to everyone. Citizen science is one of the main parts of Open Science and a cross-cutting aspect of Horizon Europe, the new EU framework programme for research and innovation. To involve society and its citizens in research helps to maximise the impact and added-value of both national and European funded research. But how do you engage and collaborate with citizens in your research project? What are the drivers, benefits and challenges?

In this online workshop we will discuss the basic principles of Citizen Science, how to apply them in your work and what ethical and legal considerations there might be. Join this workshop to gain new knowledge on Citizen Science and be inspired by case studies of locally run research projects.

The workshop is a joint collaboration between Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science) and Karolinska Institutet organized by Karolinska Institutet University Library.


Register through this link.

This workshop is for researchers and others interested affiliated with KI. You must have and supply an email-address with the ending ki.se. Register before 7 December.

Connect to the workshop: A link will be sent to all registered participants a few days before the workshop takes place; this link will enable you to enter the online classroom at the appointed time.

Vetenskap & Allmänhet (Public & Science) is a Swedish non-profit membership organisation that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. KI is one of approximately 100 member organisations.

Questions? Contact Maria Hagardt.


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