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Pathways to Praxis – A journey across the continuum of science communication research & practice


13 april 2021, kl. 14:00–16:00
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What are the challenges and priorities in science communication practice that could be addressed by social research? Share your thoughts at the “Pathways to Praxis” online workshop on 13 April at 14:00-16:00 CET. The workshop is a pre-conference event to the online Swedish Forum for Science Communication.

Scicomm theories and research are often disconnected from daily science communication practices. Neither scholarship nor practice take sufficient notice of each other’s priorities, challenges and solutions. This is one of the key findings of an in-depth Field Analysis [1] of the body of research that has been produced over the past decades. 

As a follow-up to this study, the Institute for Science & Innovation Communication (INSCICO) in Germany is running a project to analyse which challenges and priorities in science communication practice could be addressed by which social research questions and approaches. The project will establish new forms of knowledge transfer and new spaces for collaboration in a form of ‘action research’ and co-creation of the science communication research agenda.

The pre-conference workshop on 13 April will provide a virtual ‘agora’ to do exactly this! As a participant, you are invited to help define the challenges and priorities that you encounter in your everyday work. Prior to the workshop you will also be invited to answer a short preparatory survey. Experienced science communication researchers will then respond to the potential gaps between the participant’s challenges and the available evidence.

More information

The workshop will be led by Prof. Alexander Gerber, Chair of Science Communication at Rhine-Waal University and Research Director at INSCICO. 

The workshop is being organised by the Institute for Science & Innovation Communication (INSCICO) in Germany in collaboration with VA (Science & Public) and the Swedish Research Council as a pre-conference event to the Swedish Forum for Science Communication


[1] Published open-access as an e-book and audio-book; summarised on YouTube and in blog posts (e.g. PUS; MSP)

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