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How to engage the public in science when you cannot meet


4 maj 2020, kl. 16:00–17:00
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


Meeting bans, home office, lockdown. Now what? How do we engage the public with science when we cannot meet in person? Join our virtual public panel!

A lot is happening right now regarding expanding online or transforming into the digital sphere to keep science engagement up and running. Not all initiatives – especially the event-based ones – will be able to make this move without giving up on their unique spirit and atmosphere.

  • How can we reimagine science engagement in times of crisis?
  • How do we create meaningful online engagement and avoid adding pop-up solutions to an already noisy space?
  • How can we make sure to target audiences with limited access online?
  • And how do we stay sane while getting there?

This public session concludes the virtual Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden, where a group of international science engagers from across the globe gathered to discuss challenges and opportunities of migrating online.

We invite you to join the exchange of international science engagers on how to engage the public in science offline and online during these special times. The public event gives you the opportunity to put forward your questions to science engagement experts.

The event is hosted by Falling Walls Engage and Vetenskap & Allmänhet and moderated by Virtual Communities for Impact.


The event is hosted as a video conference via Zoom. Please register for tickets to get details on how to join the event.

Contact and more information

If you would like to connect with us or find out more information, please get in touch with Lena Söderström or Maria Hagardt.

Falling Walls Engage is a unique international platform for leaders from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts and society. It is also a global platform for breakthroughs in science engagement. Read more.


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