GENDERACTIONplus is an EU-funded project made up of National Authorities and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) committed to advancing gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA). Building on benchmark findings established in the project’s initial phase, the project is now developing strategic policy advice to shape the negotiations for Framework Programme 10 (FP10). The work is critical to ensure that progress in gender equality and inclusiveness is not only maintained but strengthened as we move forward to the next Framework Programme.
Please join the discussions at the GENDERACTIONplus Final Conference – Towards new Horizons: Inclusive Gender Equality in FP10 and Beyond on 12 February 2025 to ensure that inclusive gender equality remains a priority in the European Research Area and help to forge a path to the future.
You can take part on-site in Brussels or follow the conference online.
The conference aims to review the progress made in advancing inclusive gender equality in the European Research Area – ERA; assess advances in policy coordination accomplished through GENDERACTIONplus Communities of Practice; and engage in a ‘whole system’ dialogue with policy makers, research funders, ERA stakeholder organisations, ERA gender equality officers, and scholars to discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead.
For more information and registration and updates, please visit the GENDERACTIONplus website.
We look forward to your participation!