Trusting science in an age of distrust – Results and implications from public surveys on science in Europe
In the light of current public debates about fake news and anti-expertism, survey results offer valuable insights into public perceptions of science.
Where do people get in touch with or feel affected by science? Which parts of society are in favour of science and which oppose research? And which scientific disciplines and research fields are especially distrusted by people? Based on results of different science surveys in Europe, we will discuss how to build trust in science as well as which implications can be derived for science policy and science communication on a European level.
Based on results of different science surveys in Europe, we will discuss how to build trust in science as well as which implications can be derived for science policy and science communication on a European level.
18:00 Arrival and Apéro
18:45 Impulse talk by Prof Martin Bauer, London School of Economics
19:00 Panel I: What do people think about science? Results from surveys in Europe
Prof Mike Schäfer, University of Zurich; Dr Maria Lindholm, Vetenskap & Allmänhet; Ricarda Ziegler, Wissenschaft im Dialog; Prof Martin Bauer, London School of Economics
19:45 Panel II: What can be derived from these results? Implications for science policy and communication European Commission,
Jeremy Bray, European Commission; Sofie Vanthournout, Sense about Science EU; Michael Metzlaff, Bayer; Markus Weißkopf, Eusea/Wissenschaft im Dialog
20:30 Networking
Moderation: Cissi Askwall, Vetenskap & Allmänhet
Palais des Académies, Rue Ducale/Hertogstraat 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Room: Rubens Auditorium
Entrance to the Palais des Académies, Rubens Auditorium from the side of the Trône/Troon metro station.
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