Inclusive co-creation in Y-CSS: How to open up research & innovation to young people?


24 september 2021, kl. 13:00–15:00
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In YouCount, young people and researchers are working together to explore and find solutions to problems preventing the younger generation from being included in society. Please be warmly invited to Youcounts first webinar: “How to open up research & innovation to young people?”

Photo: Botkyrka Ungdomsfullmäktige

Tentative agenda

  • 13:00 Welcome from YouCount, idea of webinars & link with EIE WG
  • 13:15 Setting the scene presentation on knowledge needs, opportunities and challenges of youth participation in research (tbc.)
  • 13:25 What is important for working together? Experiences from Nottingham & Oslo
    Experiences from Nottingham
    Rick Hall, working with ignite! education charity in Nottingham
    Expert, working with Skate Nottingham
    Experiences from Oslo
    Young researcher, working with Toyen organization
    Expert, working with Toyen organization
  • 13:55 Questions & Answers
  • 14:10 Breakout groups – Discussion questions by young people from Nottingham & Oslo
  • 14:30 Sharing from group discussions in plenary
  • 14:45 Reflections on learnings for Y-CSS (tbc.)
  • 15:00 Farewell

As practitioners of Citizen Science, community-based research and youth engagement, we seek to use this series of webinars to create space for discussing important questions of Y-CSS, mobilise feedback on the YouCount framework & start building a community of interest around Y-CSS. Participation is open to everybody and free of charge. The webinars are organised by the Working Group on Empowerment, Inclusiveness & Equity at the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) and the Living Knowledge Network (LKN) together with the YouCount EU project.


The meeting will be held in Zoom. Agenda and registration link are HERE.

About YouCount

YouCount is about developing new ways to increase social inclusion of young people. Nine countries are participating in this three-year, EU-funded project, which is coordinated by OsloMet, Oslo Metropolitan University. VA (Public & Science), Södertörn University and Botkyrka Youth Council are collaborating on the Swedish part of the project. The project runs from February 2021 until December 2023. Read more about the project here.


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