Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden 2020 – Virtual workshops


27 april 2020–4 maj 2020, kl. 14:00–17:00
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Meeting bans, home office, lockdown. Now what? How do we engage the public in science when we cannot meet in person? Join the first virtual workshop of Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden to exchange ideas for online engagement.


Hub Sweden is a part of the Falling Walls Engage international network and connects science engagers in the Nordic and Baltic countries with science engagers around the world.

A lot is happening right now regarding expanding online or transforming into the digital sphere to keep science engagement initiatives up and running. Not all initiatives – especially not the event-based ones – will be able to make this move without giving up on their spirit and atmosphere. However, this may also serve as an opportunity to get inspired to test new ways, potentially reach new target groups, and establish a plan B in times of need. During our first virtual Falling Walls Engage Hub Sweden, we will discuss how to create meaningful online science engagement, avoid the ‘gold rush’ towards online pop-up solutions, and stay sane while getting there.

Join the virtual meeting ”How do we engage the public in science when we cannot meet in person?” on Monday, 27 April and Monday and 4 May 2020 at 14.00-17.00 hrs (CET). Please note that you need to be available on both dates. The meeting will be held via Zoom.

The event is hosted by Falling Walls Engage in cooperation with the Engage hub Sweden coordinator Vetenskap & Allmänhet.

The total number of participants in this virtual meeting is limited to 25 and the attendees will be selected on the basis of the information submitted and geographical spread. 15 participants will be chosen from the Nordic and Baltic countries, and 10 from other Falling Walls Engage Hubs around the world.

Apply here!

Please submit your application by answering four short questions by 23 April 2020. After we have reviewed your application, you will receive a confirmation of your participation by 24 April.

More information

If you need more information or have any questions, please get in touch with:

Not available this time round?

No worries, there will be more opportunities to meet the Engage Community later this year. Have a first look at our planned Engage Hubs on the website.


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