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ECSA Conference 2020 – Encounters in Citizen Science


6 september 2020–10 september 2020
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


The European conference for citizen and participatory science 2020 is the third International ECSA Conference.

VA will take part in the conference and contributes to an e-poster session at 18:45 on Wednesday 9 September:

Awareness, views and experiences of citizen science among Swedish researchers: two surveys

This poster presents the results from surveys conducted as part of  the ARCS-project by Pavel Bína, Fredrik Brounéus, Niclas Hagen, Martin Bergman, Gustav Bohlin and Dick Kasperowski.

The studies have investigated attitudes and experiences of citizen science (CS) among researchers at Swedish universities. The first study (n=636) focused on CS exclusively and involved researchers and other members of staff at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The second study (n=3 699) had a broader public engagement and science communication scope, including CS, and targeted researchers from all Swedish universities. The results from the two surveys suggest that CS is a far from well-known concept for Swedish researchers. And while those who have heard about CS are generally positive towards it, researchers are overall hesitant to invite citizens into the research process.

See the whole conference programme here.

Follow the conference via social media: #CitSci2020


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