What’s new in #CitizenScience training: from #OpenScience to #Engagement


27 oktober 2021, kl. 11:00–12:35
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


Join us for the upcoming EU-Citizen.Science event to discuss citizen science training resources & novelties on the platform!

One of the main missions of the EU-Citizen.Science project is to mainstream citizen science, in particular by offering new innovative training modules. Over the past few months, we have been developing several new online courses on topics that haven’t been covered before.

This month, we invite you to meet the people behind these courses, and to discover the full catalogue available on our website.

On 27 October at 11 am CEST, join us and discover What’s new in citizen science training: from open science to engagement.

You will also get the opportunity to be part of the first-ever tour of the new & final version of the EU-Citizen.Science platform: from a brand-new design to new features, new exciting things are coming up!

Register now to save the date:



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