EUSEA 20-årskonferens – #EUSEA21 More Than a Conference


7 december 2021, kl. 09:30–19:00
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Welcome to this year’s European Science Engagement Conference! On Tuesday 7 December, EUSEA, the European Science Engagement Association, will celebrate its 20th Birthday! But since 2021 is not a normal year – why have a “normal” conference? There will be no conference fee and anyone involved in science engagement can join in.

Anmäl dig kostnadsfritt HÄR!

Meet the founding mothers and fathers, enjoy panels with past and present presidents, listen to excellent keynotes and “special guests” from the global community of Public Engagement professionals.

Exchange visions of the future in an interactive online meeting. Let’s co-create ideas for a “new normal” in public engagement beyond Covid!

Feel free to bring along a birthday present – maybe a video, poem, favorite science joke or live experiment! Presents will be shown at the party, and on EUSEA’s social media channels,

Welcome to enjoy the EUSEA BIRTHDAY PARTY – online, but with shared cocktails, cakes and decorations, plus a fun programme:

Tuesday 7 December

10:00 – 10:15 CET Conference Opening

  • Welcome and Introduction
    EUSEA President Cissi Askwall, Secretary General of Vetenskap & Allmänhet, Stockholm, Sweden

10.30-11.15 CET Keynote on “Let’s Face the Challenge: Who Needs a New Normal?”

11.15-12.00 CET Perspectives from Brussels:
The Importance of Citizen and Societal Engagement in Horizon Europe

13.00-14.35 CET Twenty Years EUSEA – Time to Look Back – and Into the Future!

14.45-15.45 CET Sharing Visions and Goals: Perspectives on Public Engagement Outside of Europe

16.00 – 17:30 CET Interactive Workshops – Let’s Co-Create!

17:30 – 18.00 CET Conference Summary – Outlook EUSEA Conference 2022

Besök evenemangssidan för att se hela programmet för #EUSEA21!


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