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Webinar: Inspiring Science Shop Models


20 september 2019, kl. 14:00–15:00
Lägg till i kalender: iCal


The InSPIRES EU project is delighted to welcome you to join a new webinar on Inspiring Science Shop Models!

In this webinar, Helen Garrison, Project & Communications Manager at the Swedish organisation Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA (Public & Science) will present a number of inspiring Science Shop models, illustrated using case studies of existing Science Shops and community-based participatory research initiatives based upon interviews undertaken during the exploratory phase of the project. Examples include pop-up Science Shops, those embracing virtual ways of working as well as more traditional formats, and at a range of different types of organisations (e.g. non-profit, university-based, research institutes).

These case studies cover Science Shops models that have been analysed within the Horizon 2020 SciShops project over the last 18 months, which can be inspiring for the Science Shop community.

If you are interested to participate in an interactive discussion and receive access to the online platform, please register through this form.

More information.


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