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Scientist power limits budget cuts



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Two weeks ago I blogged about the Science is Vital campaign, which aimed at persuading the UK government not to slash the science budget.

It worked!

The UK science budget has been spared the deep cuts facing most other departments and instead has had its budget frozen in cash terms, which represents a cut of “just” 10% in real terms over 4 years.

The news has been welcomed by most with statements of relief that it was not much worse.

So great news for science in the UK, but also great news for scientists.

UK scientists pulled off an impressive lobbying campaign to persuade the government of the importance of science.

In the weeks leading up to the budget cut prominent scientists took the media by storm, setting out the case for science.

The Science is Vital campaign attracted 33,000 signatures; 2,000 demonstrators, 110 MPs signing to support the motion, hundreds of pieces of news coverage, and a packed lobby in parliament.

Of course, a 10% decrease is not a reason to celebrate. Other countries including Sweden are increasing spending on research. But in the context of the UK situation, the news is excellent. I would politely describe the UK government as generally scientifically illiterate. That they recognise the value of science to the country as a whole is a victory. Or at least a cause for optimism.

//Esther Crooks

Public & Science Sweden

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Vetenskap & Allmänhet

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